
From Open-Xchange

Open-Xchange Supported Crawlers Matrix

Open-Xchange Brings Sociability to Collaboration

Open-Xchange introduces a new groupware concept called “Social OX,” which aggregates e-mail and contact information in one place -- whether personal or business -- avoiding time-consuming searching and giving users access to information anywhere, anytime and with any device. The new concepts provides

  • The integration of any kind of existing webmail accounts (from Google, Yahoo, etc.) into a folder in Open-Xchange, including merging of data
  • Contact details from social networks such as Facebook, LinkedIn or Xing will be added automatically to the Open-Xchange address book – giving users easy access to the latest contact information within their personal network.
  • In addition, Open-Xchange users can share their data with other users in a controlled way -- without sending the information via e-mail. For example, with Social OX published data can be shared so there is no need to send large documents as an attachment via e-mail.

The following Matrix will show the official supported crawlers to subscribe social networks

Supported Crawlers Matrix

Name Description Documentation
Authentication against LDAP server Authentication plugin description
open-xchange-authentication-imap Authentication against IMAP server Authentication imap plugin description
open-xchange-contextrestore Plugin to restore one or more contexts from a complete database dump
open-xchange-configjump-generic Integrate custom configuration website
open-xchange-dataretention / open-xchange-dataretention-csv Module to be used for data retention (german: Vorratsdatenspeicherung) open-xchange-dataretention-csv is an example implementation of the data retention service
open-xchange-commons-logging-log4j / open-xchange-log4j These packages must be installed when Open-Xchange should use syslog Syslog configuration
open-xchange-contacts-ldap Integrate LDAP address book into Open-Xchange public folder tree
open-xchange-subscribe-crawler The open-xchange crawler bundle to subscribe/import data Architecture of the crawler bundle
open-xchange-upsell-generic Basic examples to implement an up sell layer in Open-Xchange Upsell package description
open-xchange-easylogin Example package to implement the EasyLogin mechanism EasyLogin description
open-xchange-report-client Tool to display and report the amount of users and contexts in the Open-Xchange environment Report Client description
open-xchange-outlook-updater Updater server bundle to download OXtender directly from Open-Xchange GUI
open-xchange-passwordchange-script Use an external command to change a password Example Script
open-xchange-publish-microformats Publishing of Open-Xchange internal data structures like contacts, documents. Publishing Data with Open-Xchange
open-xchange-calendar-printing Generating printviews of calendar items Publishing Data with Open-Xchange
open-xchange-audit User action tracking bundle Audit bundle description
open-xchange-push-mailnotify Accepting external new mail notifications Mail Notification (Push) with Open-Xchange
open-xchange-messaging-facebook Using the Facebook messaging bundle Using Facebook with Open-Xchange