AppSuite:OX Guard

From Open-Xchange


OX Guard is a security solution that provides protection for email communications and files. Fully integrated with both OX as a Service and standard OX App Suite installations, it allows users to send and read encrypted messages and store and share encrypted files – and requires no additional setup or knowledge. OX Guard offers a simple way to increase security by limiting the opportunity for unauthorized access while data is en-route or in-storage, creating extra peace of mind.

This article will guide you through the installation of Guard and describes the basic configuration and software requirements. As it is intended as a quick walk-through it assumes an existing installation of the operating system including a single server App Suite setup as well as average system administration skills. This guide will also show you how to setup a basic installation with none of the typically used distributed environment settings. The objective of this guide is:

  • To setup a single server installation
  • To setup a single Guard instance on an existing Open-Xchange installation, no cluster
  • To use the database service on the existing Open-Xchange installation for Guard, no replication
  • To provide a basic configuration setup, no mailserver configuration

Key features

  • Simple security at the touch of a button
  • Provides user based security - Separate from provider
  • Supplementary security to Provider based security - Layered
  • Powerful features yet simple to use and understand
  • Security - Inside and outside of the OX environment
  • Email and Drive integration
  • Uses proven PGP security


A variety of options:

  • Fully hosted with OX as a Service
  • All on site (large scale customers solution)

IMPORTANT: If an OX App Suite customer would like to evaluate OX Guard integration, the first step is to contact OX Sales. OX Sales will then work on the request and send prices and license/API (for the hosted infrastructure) key details to the customer.

OX Guard can also be provided via OX as a Service. OXaaS provides a best in class Email & Collaboration services to customers without them needing to become a cloud service provider themselves and deal with hardware and software set-up for those services. Please contact Open-Xchange Sales for further information and pricing details.


Please review following URL for remaining requirements

Please review OX Guard Requirements for a full list of requirements.

Since OX Guard is a Microservice it can either be added to an existing Open-Xchange installation or it can be deployed on a dedicated environment without having any of the other Open-Xchange App Suite core services installed. OX App Suite v7.6.0 or later is required to operate this extension both in a single or multi server environments.


  • Open-Xchange REST API
  • Grizzly HTTP connector (open-xchange-grizzly)
  • A supported Java Virtual Machine (Java 7)
  • An Open-Xchange App Suite installation v7.6.0 or later
  • Please Note: To get access to the latest minor features and bug fixes, you need to have a valid license. The article Updating OX-Packages explains how that can be done.

Please Note

OX Guard version 1.0 supports branding / theming for one brand only. Multiple brand support based on the Open-Xchange Config Cascade will be supported with version > 1.2, this includes eMail templates and the external OX Guard reader.

Download and Installation

Redhat Enterprise Linux 6 or CentOS 6

If not already done, add the following repositories to your Open-Xchange yum configuration:


and run

$ yum update
$ yum install open-xchange-rest open-xchange-guard open-xchange-guard-ui open-xchange-guard-ui-static

Debian GNU/Linux 7.0

If not already done, add the following repositories to your Open-Xchange apt configuration:

deb /

and run

$ apt-get update
$ apt-get install open-xchange-rest open-xchange-guard open-xchange-guard-ui open-xchange-guard-ui-static

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11

Add the package repository using zypper if not already present:

$ zypper ar appsuite-7.6.0-guard

and run

$ zypper ref
$ zypper in open-xchange-rest open-xchange-guard open-xchange-guard-ui open-xchange-guard-ui-static

Guard requires Java 1.7, which will be installed through the Guard packages, still SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 will not use Java 1.7 by default. Therefor we have to set Java 1.7 as the default instead of Java 1.6:

$ update-alternatives --config java

Now select the Java 1.7 JRE, example:

There are 2 alternatives which provide `java'.
  Selection    Alternative
*         1    /usr/lib64/jvm/jre-1.6.0-ibm/bin/java
 +        2    /usr/lib64/jvm/jre-1.7.0-ibm/bin/java

Press enter to keep the default[*], or type selection number: 2
Using '/usr/lib64/jvm/jre-1.7.0-ibm/bin/java' to provide 'java'.


The following gives an overview of the most important settings to enable Guard for users on the Open-Xchange installation. Some of those settings have to be modified in order to establish the database and REST API access from the Guard service. All settings relating to the Guard backend component are located in the configuration file located in /opt/open-xchange/guard/etc. The default configuration should be sufficient for a basic "up-and-running" setup (with the exception of defining the database username and password). Please refer to the inline documentation of the configuration file for more advanced options.

$ vim /opt/open-xchange/guard/etc/

Open-Xchange config_db host - Guard will establish a connection to the config_db


Guard database for storing user keys


Username and Password for the two databases above


Open-Xchange REST API host


External URL for this Open-Xchange installation. This setting will be used to generate the link to the secure content for external recipients

Configure services


Configure the mod_proxy_http module by adding the Guard API.

Redhat Enterprise Linux 6 or CentOS 6

$ vim /etc/httpd/conf.d/proxy_http.conf

Debian GNU/Linux 7.0 and SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11

$ vim /etc/apache2/conf.d/proxy_http.conf
<Proxy balancer://oxguard>
       Order deny,allow
       Allow from all, add
BalancerMember http://localhost:8080/oxguard timeout=1800 smax=0 ttl=60 retry=60 loadfactor=100 route=OX1 ProxySet stickysession=JSESSIONID|jsessionid scolonpathdelim=ON SetEnv proxy-initial-not-pooled SetEnv proxy-sendchunked </Proxy>
<Proxy /appsuite/api/oxguard> ProxyPass balancer://oxguard </Proxy>

Please Note: The Guard API settings should be inserted before the existing “<Proxy /appsuite/api>” parameter.

After the configuration is done, restart the Apache webserver

$ apachectl restart


Please add the following settings to the permission settings configuration file of the Open-Xchange backend servers:

$ vim /opt/open-xchange/etc/
# OX GUard general permission


Running SELinux prohibits your local Open-Xchange backend service to connect to localhost:8080, which is where the Guard backend service listens to. In order to allow localhost connections to 8080 execute the following:

$ setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect 1

Initiating the Guard database and key store

Once the Guard configuration (database and backend configuration) and the service configuration has been applied, the Guard administration script needs to be executed in order to create the Guard databases. The administration script also takes care of the creation of the master keys and the master password file in /opt/open-xchange/guard. The initiation only needs to be done once for a multi server setup, for details please see “Optional / Clustering”.

/opt/open-xchange/guard/sbin/guard init

Please Note: It is important to understand that the master password file located at /opt/open-xchange/guard/oxguardpass is required to reset user passwords, without them the administrator will not be able to reset user passwords anymore in the future. The file contains the passwords used to encrypt the master database key, as well as passwords used to encrypt protected data in the users table.

Start Guard

The services have been configured and the database has been initiated, it's time to start Guard

$ /etc/init.d/open-xchange-guard start

Enabling Guard for Users

Guard provides two capabilities for users in the environment:

  • Guard Mail: com.openexchange.capability.guard:mail
  • Guard Drive: com.openexchange.capability.guard:drive

Each of those two Guard components is enabled for all users that have the according capability configured. Please note that users need to have the Drive permission set to use Guard Drive. So the users that have Guard Drive enabled must be a subset of those users with OX Drive permission. Since v7.6.0 we enforce this via the default configuration. Those capabilities can be activated for specific user by using the Open-Xchange provisioning scripts:

Guard Mail:

$ /opt/open-xchange/sbin/changeuser -c 1 -A oxadmin -P admin_password -u testuser --config/com.openexchange.capability.guard:mail=true

Guard Drive:

$ /opt/open-xchange/sbin/changeuser -c 1 -A oxadmin -P admin_password -u testuser --config/com.openexchange.capability.guard:drive=true

Please Note: Guard Drive requires Guard Mail to be configured for the user as well.


SSL Configuration

Per default the connection between the Guard backend and the configured Open-Xchange REST API host is unencrypted. Even though that Guard will never transmit unencrypted emails to or from the REST API you can optionally encrypt the whole communication between those two components by using SSL. To enforce Guard to use SSL in the communication between those two components enable the follwing configurations in Guard configuration file. Please note that you have to provide access to the certificates.

 $ vim /opt/open-xchange/guard/etc/
com.openexchange.guard.useSSL: true
com.openexchange.guard.SSLPort: 8443
com.openexchange.guard.SSLKeyStore: //keystore location//
com.openexchange.guard.SSLKeyName: //alias name here//
com.openexchange.guard.SSLKeyPass: //ssl password//

Please Note: Enabling SSL might decrease performance and/or create more system load due to additional encoding of the HTTP streams.


You can run multiple OX Guard servers in your environment to ensure high availability or enhance scalability. OX Guard integrates seamlessly into the existing Open-Xchange infrastructure by using the existing interface standards and is therefor transparent to the environment. A couple of things have to be prepared in order to loosely couple OX Guard servers with Open-Xchange servers in a cluster.


The MySQL servers need to be configured in order to allow access to the configdb of Open-Xchange. To do so you need to set the following configuration in the MySQL my.cnf:

bind =

This allows the Guard backend to bind to the MySQL host which is configured in the file with com.openexchange.guard.configdbHostname.