AppSuite:Spreadsheet Installation Guide

From Open-Xchange

Download & Installation OX Spreadsheet

General Information

OX Spreadsheet is a browser based, cloud ready, spreadsheet product that can work with Microsoft Excel documents in a lossless way. And you can also collaborate with other people to edit shared spreadsheets on various devices.

Learn more about the highlights of OX Spreadsheet here: OX Spreadsheet Product Guide


See the Open-Xchange software requirements page for details.

OX Spreadsheet needs to be installed in an OX App Suite configuration with a backend based on Grizzly.

For compatibility with XLS files (not XLSX) and for printing functionality in OX Spreadsheet the document converter components (incl. readerengine) are required. These are not available in the Community Version of OX AppSuite.

Mandatory Modules

Additional functional modules need to be installed separately:


The OX Spreadsheet deployment consists of the packages open-xchange-documents-backend,open-xchange-documents-ui and open-xchange-documents-ui-static

Redhat Enterprise Linux 6 or CentOS 6

Add the following repositories to your Open-Xchange yum configuration:


[open-xchange-office-web] name=Open-Xchange-office-web baseurl= gpgkey= enabled=1 gpgcheck=1 metadata_expire=0m

$ yum install open-xchange-documents-backend open-xchange-documents-ui open-xchange-documents-ui-static

Debian GNU/Linux 6.0

Add the following repositories to your Open-Xchange apt configuration:

deb /
deb /
$ apt-get update
$ apt-get install open-xchange-documents-backend open-xchange-documents-ui open-xchange-documents-ui-static

Debian GNU/Linux 7.0

Add the following repositories to your Open-Xchange apt configuration:

deb /
deb /
$ apt-get update
$ apt-get install open-xchange-documents-backend open-xchange-documents-ui open-xchange-documents-ui-static

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11

$ zypper ar office
$ zypper ar office-web
$ zypper ref
$ zypper install open-xchange-documents-backend open-xchange-documents-ui open-xchange-documents-ui-static

Printing and .xls Editing

For .XLS and/or printing support from OX Spreadsheet the Document Converter and readerengine components have to be installed separately (license key required)



To enable OX Spreadsheet for OX Drive the associated permission has to be set.

The default setting for all users is changed in the file in the directory /opt/open-xchange/etc.

After installation the functionality is disabled:

# Enables or disables the "spreadsheet" module capability globally.

Uncomment the above line so that the capability is set to true.


The calcengine has to be configured in the file /opt/open-xchange/etc/

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# define the mode the calc engine will use at runtime
# possible values :
# - local
#       a set of worker processes are used at localhost;
#       One worker = one calc engine process.
#       JNI is used within worker process - not within main process.
# - http
#       calc engine client will connect to a remote server
#       where a calc engine server is running.
#       Every calc engine server will host a set of worker processes.
#       Communication protocol between client<->server<->worker is HTTP.

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# timeout to detect hanging calc engine request
# unit    = [ms]
# default = 20s


# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# define the max. value for memory reserved for one worker instance.
# Each worker will use that value separately.
# So the memory consumption for the whole pool of worker instances
# will be : pool-size * worker.memory.
# unit=[MB]
# default = 2048


# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# configure restart of one worker in case more then X documents was opened
# within those process.
# Note:
# - A value of 0 means -> these restart trigger is disabled
#   ... where might other restart trigger can be active.
# - Don't forget to configure reserve count value too
#   if you configure these restart trigger.
# default = 50


# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# timeout to detect non starting worker process
# unit    = [ms]
# default = 20s


# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# define the range of ports to be used for a pool of worker processes.
# Of course MIN and MAX values needs to be in right (ascending) order.
# If not - an error is shown and calc engine environment wont work.
# MIN and MAX port are included in range. So pool size is MAX-MIN+1.
# default = 5001 ... 5003
