Versioning and Numbering

From Open-Xchange

Versioning and Numbering of Open-Xchange Products

Note: This list is under heavy modification and not yet recommended to use as a reference

General Declaration

Abbreviation Meaning
GA General Availability - The date the software became available
SP Service Pack - Major feature updates
BFR Bug Fix Release - Bug Fixes, Minor feature corrections

Codename: Hymalia




Abbreviation Description Target usage
OX 0.8.x Community Edition
OX5 SBS OX5 Small Business Suite For small companies with a maximum of 25 users.
OX5 ASE OX5 Advanced Server For larger organizations with more than 25 users.


GA Build Release Name
2005-04-22 - Open-Xchange Server 0.8.0 (Community)
2006-02-16 5072 Open-Xchange Server 5 SP1
2006-04-25 - Open-Xchange Server 0.8.2 (Community)
2006-10-20 5083 Open-Xchange Server 5 BFR 2006-10
2006-12-06 5318 Open-Xchange Server 5 SP2
2007-02-26 5333 Open-Xchange Server 5 BFR 2007-02
2007-03-13 - Open-Xchange Server 0.8.6 (Community)

Codename: Hyperion




Abbreviation Description Target usage
OX CE Open-Xchange Community Edition Development, Education, Evaluation, Always the latest code
OX HE Open-Xchange Hosting Edition Large scale deployment and integration in hosting environments
- - More to come :)


GA Build Release Name
2007-02-27 6048 Open-Xchange Hosting Edition (HE)
2007-02-27 - 1&1 MailXchange (OX HE)
2007-03-12 - Open-Xchange Community Edition (CE)
- - More to come :)