Export ical/vcard

From Open-Xchange
Revision as of 13:48, 25 July 2008 by Holgi (talk | contribs) (New page: this is an example script that is able to get contacts,appointments,tasks as well as the global addressbook ical/vcard format. ~/bin> ./extract.sh --help usage ./extract.sh serverurl us...)
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this is an example script that is able to get contacts,appointments,tasks as well as the global addressbook ical/vcard format.

~/bin> ./extract.sh --help
usage ./extract.sh serverurl user password


test "$1" = "--help" && echo "usage $0 serverurl user password" && exit 1

test -z $1 || SERVER=$1
test -z $2 || USER=$2
test -z $3 || PASSWORD=$3

CURL='curl -b cookies -c cookies -H Expect: -s -L --location-trusted -k'

SESSION=`$CURL "$SERVER/ajax/login?action=login&name=$USER&password=$PASSWORD" \
        |sed 's/^.*session\":\"\([0-9A-Fa-f]*\)\".*$/\1/'`

echo $SESSION | grep "error" && echo "got no session, login failed" && exit 1

P_FOLDERS=`$CURL -X GET "$SERVER/ajax/folders?action=list&columns=1%2C301%2C300%2C307%2C304%2C306%2C302%2C305%2C308%2C311%2C2%2C314%2C313%2C315&session=$SESSION&parent=1"`

TASK="not found"
TASK=`echo $P_FOLDERS | sed 's/,\"tasks\".*$//' | sed 's/.*\[\([0-9]*\)$/\1/'`
CAL="not found"
CAL=`echo $P_FOLDERS | sed 's/,\"calendar\".*$//' | sed 's/.*\[\([0-9]*\)$/\1/'`
CON="not found"
CON=`echo $P_FOLDERS | sed 's/,\"contacts\".*$//' | sed 's/.*\[\([0-9]*\)$/\1/'`

echo ------------------------------------------------------
echo exporting private task folder $TASK:
echo ------------------------------------------------------
$CURL $URL -X GET "$SERVER/ajax/export?action=ICAL&session=$SESSION&folder=$TASK"
echo ------------------------------------------------------
echo exporting private calendar folder $CAL:
echo ------------------------------------------------------
$CURL $URL -X GET "$SERVER/ajax/export?action=ICAL&session=$SESSION&folder=$CAL"
echo ------------------------------------------------------
echo exporting private contacts folder $CON:
echo ------------------------------------------------------
$CURL $URL -X GET "$SERVER/ajax/export?action=VCARD&session=$SESSION&folder=$CON"
echo ------------------------------------------------------
echo "exporting global address book contacts folder 6:"
echo ------------------------------------------------------
$CURL $URL -X GET "$SERVER/ajax/export?action=VCARD&session=$SESSION&folder=6"
echo ------------------------------------------------------